Welcome to Colibri Holding LLC, a trusted shipping carrier rooted in the heart of Nashville, TN, and extending our services to the dynamic city of Orlando, Florida. We’re more than just a logistics company; we’re a family-oriented organization dedicated to fostering strong relationships and providing unparalleled support to our team members. With integrity as our foundation, we prioritize the success and empowerment of every individual within our company. Join us and discover the joy of working with a team that values your contributions and celebrates your achievements. Welcome to Colibri Holding LLC, where excellence is not just a goal, but a way of life.
Discover flexibility in every shipment with our adaptable logistics solutions, tailored to meet your evolving needs with precision and efficiency.
From solo to team operations, we offer reliable freight transportation services ensuring timely deliveries and maximum efficiency. Our experienced team meticulously plans each route, guaranteeing smooth operations from pickup to drop-off. With gross weekly rates ranging from $8,000 to $14,000 for solo and team operations, coupled with great pay—enjoying 85% of linehaul and a 100% fuel surcharge—our services are not only efficient but also financially rewarding.
Our 24/7 dispatching professionals work tirelessly to keep you ahead of the game. With 1-3 loads preplanned in advance, you can rest assured knowing that your schedule is optimized for maximum productivity and minimal downtime. We understand the value of time in the transportation industry, and our preplanned dispatches ensure that you're always on the move, maximizing your earning potential.
Your safety is our top priority. With our comprehensive safety and security programs, including plate programs, insurance coverage, and permit assistance, you can navigate the roadways with confidence and peace of mind.
Partner with us for streamlined accounting and financial support. From weekly calculated pay stubs to settlements, we ensure your finances are in order, allowing you to focus on what you do best—driving.
Enjoy a range of additional benefits and perks, including generous fuel discounts of up to $0.70 per gallon, recruitment assistance to expand your network, and industry-leading technology that provides transparency and trust in our operations.
At our core, we prioritize reliability and people, ensuring safe and transparent operations for every journey.
Discover a trusted partner dedicated to your success, ensuring seamless operations and peace of mind every step of the way.
Our team's depth of knowledge and skill ensures that every aspect of your logistics needs is handled with precision and proficiency.
You can count on us to deliver results consistently, every time. Our steadfast reliability is what makes us the trusted choice for all your logistics requirements.
With streamlined operations and meticulous planning, we ensure your deliveries arrive precisely when expected.
Explore firsthand experiences and insights from our valued customers, showcasing their satisfaction and trust in our services. Dive into a collection of testimonials that speak volumes about our commitment to excellence and reliability.
Your trusted shipping carrier headquartered in Nashville, TN, with operations extending to Orlando, Florida.